Detail comparison between Polaroid 55 negative developed in Polaroid holder
and tray developed in HC110.
Original photo Polaroid type 55, Sinar P2, Shneider XL 90mm lens. Flash balanced
to daylight/tungsten.
Polaroid holder developed (drum scan 3000DPI reduced to fit computer screen):
Tray developed negative part of type 55, positive discarded (drum scan
3000DPI reduced to fit computer screen):![]() |
1:1 3000DPI scan 1st area outlined in red :![]() |
1:1 3000DPI scan 1st area outlined in red :![]() |
1:1 3000DPI scan 2nd area outlined in red :![]() |
1:1 3000DPI scan 2nd area outlined in red :![]() |
1:1 3000DPI scan 3rd area outlined in red :![]() |
1:1 3000DPI scan 3rd area outlined in red :![]() |
1:1 3000DPI scan 4th area outlined in red :![]() |
1:1 3000DPI scan 4th area outlined in red :![]() |
More notes on detail:
Film negative vs Digital Print vs Wet Contact print vs
Digital InkJet print
Drum scan vs Flatbed from 8x10 negative
Comparison between polaroid type 55 negatives developed
using polaroid holder (peel apart) and tray developed in HC110 developer
Jobo drum development for XTOL and diluted
HC-100 developers